What's wrong with the people of the Kashmir? by Naman Chakraborty

There’s nothing wrong with the people of Kashmir.

Et tu, Brute?
If you too were born and brought up in a Kashmiri Muslim family in Pulwama, Shopian, Srinagar, Kupwara or Sopore - there's a high chance that you too will grow up to hate India - support Pakistan in cricket matches - shout anti-India slogans after Friday prayers and perhaps even throw stones at the Indian security forces.
You too would be convinced, that India is an evil colonial power, which captured Kashmir by force - you will argue that fair skinned Kashmiris have always been different (even superior) than the rest of dark skinned, Hindu, Baniya (a caste name, used here to mean deceitful) India, and that Kashmir historically was never a part of India.
Add to that the Indian Constitution, which treats the state of Jammu & Kashmirdifferently[1] [2] , and the almost daily stream of news stories, both real and fake, emanating from the Indian mainland, of Muslims being beaten up by bhagwa (orange) wearing goons, forcing them to chant slogans like Jai Shree Ram(Salutations to Lord Ram) and Bharat mata ki jai (Salutations to Mother India)- and you will be totally convinced, India is simply not the country you identify with and want to live in.
The alienation is complete.

Bharat Mata Ki….
As an Indian - be honest - what is the first thought that comes to your mind, when you come across a Kashmiri with such beliefs?
Yah, If you find a Kashmiri with such beliefs, online, you feel like inundating that person with abuses and if you come across such a person face to face, you feel like beating them black and blue, till they start chanting “Bharat mata ki jai”.
Do you really think you can force someone to love India?
Do you love India because someone forced you to do so?

Stockholm Syndrome
The truth is, Kashmir today is the biggest live and still active laboratory of Stockholm Syndrome, and Kashmiris today have sadly grown addicted to the very poison that’s killing them.
Do you think you can heal them with your abuses, taunts or violence?
Have some heart.
The Kashmiris come across the strong arms of India, almost everyday, strolling on their neighborhoods, looking at them with suspicion - they seldom come across the motherly love and understanding of Indians.
They do not read about the proud history of India - most of them are yet to really meet rebels like Rabindranath Tagore, Subramanya Bharathi, Kalidasa, lovers like Subhash Chandra Bose, Ashfaqullah Khan, and fighters like Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay.

They don’t know.
They don’t even know, that it was the Kashmiris, who colonized large parts of China and the whole of Tibet, merely armed with the teachings and philosophy of Buddha[3] . They are the reason, there’s a Dalai Lama in this world.
They don’t even know, that it is them, who spread Shaivism in Southern parts of India[4] [5] . Every single Shiva Temple standing in South India today, is actually a hat tip to Kashmir.
They don’t even know about perhaps the most badass Kashmiri, Lalitaditya Muktapida - who ruled over UP, Bihar and modern day Kolkata, right from his throne in Kashmir.[6]
They’ve not been taught about the truly badass Queen Didda[7] and Kota Rani(Of Kote Kul Srinagar fame)[8] and how they fought and single-handedly defeated none other than the mighty Mongols among others.
They’ve no idea about their own braves who defeated even the likes of Mahmud of Ghazni, and that too, twice! Something that many other Indian rulers failed to do.[9]
They don’t even read about King Suhadev of Kashmir, the one who gave refuge to Shah Mir from Swat valley. [10]
The same Shah Mir, who went on to become the first Muslim sovereign of Kashmir. The Same Shah Mir, who was the great great great grandfather to Sikandar Butshikan, the one who raped, pillaged and terrorized the forefathers of the same Kashmiris, who consider him a hero today.[11] [12]
In case you’re interested, here’s a brief snapshot of The History of Kashmir.

The Grand Old Clusterfuck.
But while I was going through this, I realized that even we Indians don’t read about any of it in our own history books…:)
The history taught to Indian children today, is a story primarily written by non-Indians, propagated by a few Indians, primarily chronicling the failures of Indians who controlled areas in and around the current capital of India, getting thrashed like sissies by a few ‘non Indians’ - finally resulting in an India today, where any half wit toothless piranha, preaching isolation, exclusion and hatred can win votes on an Us Vs Them plank, in a country divided by religion, language, caste, region and even the very definition of being a regular Indian.
This perhaps explains why we all suffer to different degrees, from the same sense of low self esteem, which plagues the people of Kashmir.
Ha ha…:)
What can one say but laugh and then cry.

Thanks for reading. Cheers and peace.
